WBDebtcare: here to help
Manage your debt and brighten your outlook. Use our handy calculator to check how you qualify for help.
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To find out more about managing your money and getting free advice, visit Money Helper, an independent service set up to help people manage their money.
Why choose us
How we can help…
WB Debtcare offers a range of financial solutions to individuals in financial distress. We provide a non-commitment consultation to help you get started.
payment plans
Debt Arrangement Scheme
Pay off your debts over a series of manageable payments, without worrying about charges or interest.
affordable creditor agreement
Trust Deeds
make monthly contributions towards your debt over 4 years, after which all remaining debt will be wiped out.
a fresh start
Sequestration is the Scottish version of bankruptcy and may be suitable for you if you do not have the money to pay back what you owe.
how we
helped Ms M
Ms M’s story
Ms M was in a difficult situation with debts that she was unable to offer a fitting monthly repayment on, we discussed her options sensitively and came to a decision that allowed her to erase her debt through sequestration.
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